Asphalt Driveway with Granite Slabbed Patio in Blackrock, Dublin

Blackrock, County Dublin, IrelandJob Details
These photos showcase Select Paving's latest driveway and patio project in Blackrock, Dublin.
At the back, we removed the old surface and created a new design. We installed an 804 hardcore foundation and U-shaped raised flower beds. We laid the patio with black granite flagstones, granite borders and stepping stones, and granite pebbles in front of the flowerbeds.
At the front, we removed the old driveway and lawn and installed an asphalt driveway with a cobblestone borderline around the perimeter.
Check out our website or follow us on social media for more driveway and patio ideas in Dublin.
The work was: Driveway, Patio in Blackrock, County Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Removed The Garden, New Base Foundation Installed, Natural Stone Border, New Step(s), Machine Rolled Base
Surfacing Material: Asphalt, Granite Cobbles, Gravel Stone, Newgrange Flagstones