Belvedere Patio with New Steps in Tallaght, Dublin

Job Details
This patio project has been supplied and carried out by Select Paving in Tallaght, Dublin.
First we ripped out the original patio and laid a new hardcore foundation on top of a heavy duty membrane.
After compacting it down, we created a new border of Silver granite flags while maintaining the greenery in the garden.
We created two large granite steps at the patio door to make the descend into the garden smoother.
Finally we laid the patio with Slate Belvedere flags in various sizes for a more natural look.
Find more details about our patio services in Dublin over on our website. You can also reach out to Select Paving via social media or via phone at 01 – 6856262 to request a free quote or to schedule an appointment.
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, New Base Foundation Installed, Membrane Weed Block, New Step(s), Flagstones
Surfacing Material: Belvedere Flagstones