Buff Granite Slabbed Patio in Ranelagh, Dublin

Ranelagh, Dublin, IrelandJob Details
New patio has been completed by Select Paving in Ranelagh, Dublin.
Project features a new raised patio laid with Buff granite flags with Lismore Charcoal borderline and diamond pattern, Connemara walling with capping and couple of steps.
If you are looking for professional and experienced patio contractors in Dublin, Select Paving are the perfect choice for you! Call us today for free estimates or to book an appointment!
The work was: Patio in Ranelagh, Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Extended The Area As Agreed, New Base Foundation Installed, New Drainage System, Retaining Wall Built, Membrane Weed Block, New Step(s)
Surfacing Material: Connemara Walling, Granite Slabs, Lismore Paving, Newgrange Flagstones