Cobblestone Driveway in Malahide, Co. Dublin

Malahide, County Dublin, IrelandJob Details
This is a new driveway that Select Paving installed in Malahide, Co. Dublin, featuring a new extended curved design, kerbing and a brick border around the perimeter and, finally, grey cobblestone for the main paving.
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The work was: Driveway in Malahide, County Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Extended The Area As Agreed, Removed The Garden, New Base Foundation Installed, Installed New Recessed Covers To Replace Manhole Covers, Raised Existing Gulleys/Drains To A Suitable Height, New Walling Built, Paving Border Installed, New Step(s)
Surfacing Material: Block Paving, Corrib Paving, Slane Paving