Patio and Garden Area in Portmarnock, Co. Dublin

Portmarnock, County Dublin, IrelandJob Details
New patio and lawn built in Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Complete redesign of patio and garden area. Replaced old patio area. New base installation, New roll on lawn. Step installed at back door using a charcoal tumbled block kerb and filled with matching flagstones.
The flagstones were the Newgrange silver granite range from Kilsaran paving with a charcoal paving block border around it to make it stand out. Call our team today for a free quote in Portmarnock on installing garden paving or a patio area.
The work was: Patio in Portmarnock, County Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Extended The Area As Agreed, New Base Foundation Installed, Raised Existing Gulleys/Drains To A Suitable Height, Paving Border Installed, New Step(s), New Lawn
Surfacing Material: Newgrange Flagstones, Roll on Turf