Silver Grey Patio with Artificial Grass in Ballymun, Dublin

Ballymun, Dublin, IrelandJob Details
This patio project has been completed by Select Paving in Ballymun, Dublin.
Patio features:
- removal of the old lawn
- new base foundation
- raised tier and flower beds
- Grey Corrib borderline
- artificial grass in the centre
- Silver Grey flags patio finish
Visit our website fur further information about our patio services in Co. Dublin. Call Select Paving today to schedule an appointment or to request a free estimate!
The work was: Patio in Ballymun, Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Removed The Garden, New Base Foundation Installed, Membrane Weed Block, New Lawn, Block Kerbs
Surfacing Material: Artificial Grass, Barleystone Flagstone, Connemara Wall Edging