Tarmac Driveway with Belvedere Patio in Ballinteer, Dublin

Ballinteer, County Dublin, IrelandJob Details
Our team at Select Paving has completed this driveway and patio project in Ballinteer, Dublin.
The driveway features tarmacadam top finish with granite border and Ashford block walls with granite capping.
The patio features Belvedere silver granite slabs with Curragh gold border line and a matching step.
The work was: Driveway, Patio in Ballinteer, County Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Removed The Garden, New Base Foundation Installed, New Drainage System, New Walling Built, Paving Border Installed, New Step(s), New Lawn, New Flowerbeds, Flagstones, Machine Rolled Base
Surfacing Material: Asphalt, Belvedere Flagstones, Hallmark Walling