Gold Gravel Driveway with Granite Pathway in Dublin

Dublin, IrelandJob Details
Here are some before, during and after photos of this gravel driveway project, completed by Select Paving in Dublin.
Driveway features:
removal of the old paving and lawn
new hardcore base
membrane sheeting
granite kerbstone
granite pathway
Ballylusk Gold gravel top finish
Call Select Paving today to request a free estimate or to schedule an appointment. For more info about our gravel driveway services in Co. Dublin, head over onto our website!
The work was: Driveway in Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Extended The Area As Agreed, Removed The Garden, Graded Off The Area, New Base Foundation Installed, New Walling Built, Natural Stone Border, Edging Kerbs Installed, New Pathway, Machine Rolled Base, Concrete Block Walls, Concrete Block Pillars
Surfacing Material: Brickwalling, Connemara Wall Edging, Granite Cobbles, Granite Slabs, Gravel Stone